Bentley Library

NOTES Trip to the Bentley

Page 25 Letitia J Byrd- first African American woman in public school system or something like that? Interesting story

Elly Peterson

  • Highest ranking woman in Republican party

  • 1964 1st woman to serve as chair of Michigan Republican Party

Women of Color Task force- a box to be taken out a different day

International Neighbors Photograph Series

Contact: Multicultural Studies Librarian

Women’s Suffrage- Fiber Pieces like what they would use during protests


Print over the top of Images on the Epson Printer.

What does it mean to be an invisible community? What does that graphically look like? Silk over something? Translucent?

Skulda V. Baner

Free Women’s Words Newspaper

  • Bimonthly women’s newspaper which grew out of Women’s crisis center newsletter

  • Work w/o hierarchy, who no president or editor, trying to share power and responsibility

  • The racism of white culture abuses & ignores women of color

  • POC- especially women- ignored

Women’s Crisis Center

  • Originally in the basement of St. Andrwss

  • Church was the 1st rape crisis center in the country

  • Opened in response to the John Norman Collin’s rapes of north side of A2

  • Until 1973, abortion was still illegal, so WCC helped women find safe abortions, The Center soon became the core meeting place for women’s issues and to put feminist values into practice

Pillars of Free Women’s Words

  1. Liberation

  2. The Personal is Political

  3. Sexuality

  4. Women’s Issues (Defining Our Feminism)

  5. Education and Empowerment

Could I base my book around these principles? Find stories that match the pillars and extend on them?

  • Moved to Ypsilanti in 1989

  • “A Woman was Raped Here”- spraypainted on sidewalks at 280 different sites--can be found in The Observer (this was written in Jan 1989)

History? Contemporary? Does it matter?
How do you balance the past with the future?

How do you balance analog with technology?

How does analog inform technology?


I could go to the Labadie Collection and search for stories about POC and women on campus…

Do I have to talk about campus? Make it a conscious effort not to talk about campus?

When does this story have to be from? What if it’s contemporary?

What if I can’t find stories about POC because they weren’t recorded? Invisible Communities? What does that look like?

I want to make this big because I want it to serve as a monument to these memories/histories/movements